Arundo Donax, or Giant Reed, is a tall grass-like perennial plant that grows in near water flows like river banks. Due to its high growing potential, arriving to one meter of growth per month in favorable conditions, it is catalogued as an invasive plant because it displaces native river flora. Furthermore, its dense stems agglomerations, growing from underground rhizomatic clusters, provide little opportunities for endemic fauna to nest.

"La caña común" was introduced in Spain by the muslim approximately during the 13th century because of its potential uses in construction and agriculture. It was highly encouraged by the public authorities to grow reeds by the orchard, and nowadays is still common to see a cluster of reeds next to irrigation channels. However, the giant reed has taken over complete river beds in the Mediterranean region, due to its little trimming because of its substitution by industrial materials.

The last decades, the local environmental authorities have been implementing aggressive removal treatments with backhoes and heavy machinery that not only destroy the soil bed, but completely landform the river bank under certain conservation standards. After the removal works, black plastic geotextiles are applied to the ground surface to stop the photosynthetic process of the rhyzome. These expensive methods have to be implemented from top to bottom of the river, ensuring coordination between all the public territory and funds touched by the watershed.

However, what picture of the river bed is intended to be shaped? What is the river landscape that is thought to be benefitial and why? Is a disruptive large-scale human intervention the solution? Although I haven't arrived to a concrete proposal, I would like to experiment with alive-reed guidance, exploring its architectural and habitat-building potential while the plant is living, research that can be carried on paralelly to the removal activities in critical areas.

Matter: Reed
Type: Research
Project: Cañar

Pablo Bolumar Plata is a designer and researcher focused on the transformation of material environments.

Trained in industrial design engineering and geo-design, his work studies the ecologies of matter and proposes interventions through products, processes, and spatial installations.


Contemporary art exhibition result of the first edition of the art and context program of the museum in Valencia, Spain.

44cm at Nave Seis, 2023
Collective exhibition where ten different design authors reinterpreted the height of a stool in Barcelona, Spain.

Lugar Usual, 2023
Emergent design exhibition in Madrid, Spain

Transforming the stone at Mármoles Covarrubias, 2023
Site-specific lighting installation made of marble for the patio of the family house owner of the company in Guadalajara, México.

Panal at Lugar Usual, 2023
Art exhibition during Feria Maco in Ciudad de México, México.

Blanda y peluda: intercambios en el espacio museístico at IVAM, 2022
Public exchange of ideas about the museum space with TAKK Architecture, Miguel Leiro, and Marina Povedano, curated by Julia Castego and Ali A Maderuelo in Valencia, Spain.

Residency at Boisbuchet, 2022
Exhibition of three site-specific lighting installations at the Shigeru Ban Pavillion, the tree cluster near the beehives, and the Chateau of the Domaine supported by Acción Cultural Española in Lessac, France.

Ací fem atovons at Sala Fernando Barrachina, 2022
Curatorial showcase about the local ceramic brick industry in Foios, Spain.

It will follow at Carlota Oyarzun, 2022
Emergent design exhibition in a residential space in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Lugar Usual, 2021
Emergent design exhibition in Madrid, Spain.

Espam 2 at Colector, 2019
Young contemporary art and design exhibition in Valencia, Spain.

RDS 6.0 at Centre de Artesanía de la Comunitat Valenciana, 2017
Object exhibition about gastronomic design in Valencia, Spain.


Materials and processes at Product Design MA at IED, 2023
Design and execution of a course about the logic of materials, their behaviors, the processes to transform them, and their industries. Each student developed a product proposal based on small-scale processes in Madrid, Spain.

Hidrobricks with Laia Amigó Ayats at Mayrit Bienal, 2022
A one-day workshop about water irrigation systems with ceramic samples from Ceràmica Cumella for Mayrit Bienal in Madrid, Spain.

Estiu Urbá with Vicent Orts at Ajuntament de Foios, 2021
Design and execution of a summer camp program about design and sustainable practices in Valencia, Spain.


IVAM in ABC, 2023
Participation in the Art and Context program of the IVAM in Valencia, Spain.

Carlota Oyarzun in RUM, 2022
Beeswax Bubble featured in Carlota Oyarzun Gallery in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Pablo Bolumar on AD Magazine, 2020
Article about the relationship of materials and processes in my design work with the farming environment where I was raised.

Pablo Bolumar on Raïm, 2019
The importance of photography in my visual research and design approach.